

  当我 们听到 犀利士 首次推出 时,我们都了解它是伟哥对抗勃起功能障碍的第一个竞争对手。伟哥于 1998 年首次推出。它取得了巨大的成功,因 为它是独一无二的。 ICOS 公司有一种新 产品,有望超越伟哥令人难以置信的成功。然而,该系列还没有结束,因为艾力达很快就会发布   。 首先, 值得一提的是, 犀利士 的 销售市场已经超过了伟哥在 90 年代后期取得的市 场。值得注意的是,在大约 3000 万患有勃起功能障碍的美国人和全球另外 1.75 亿人中,只有一小部分正在使用伟哥。伟哥今年的总利润为 15 亿美元。然而,花在药物(如伟哥、艾力达和希爱力)上的钱已升至 6 美元。 犀利士 和 伟哥一样,不应被理解为针对特定病症的治疗,而应被理解为一般性能提供者。每个人都应该知道,这些药物有一个特殊的过程,可以让他们在改善生活的同时取得成功。它们通过阻断一种叫做磷酸二酯酶的酶起作用,这 种 酶可以放松一些肌肉 并允 许一定程度地增加流向阴茎的血流量。 犀利士 是 伟哥的更好替代品,因为它可以在澳大利亚、丹麦、芬兰和瑞典等国家购买(仅限处方)。它也应该在美国获得批准。 希 爱力的效果比伟哥快。大约 16 分 钟即可感受到第一个效果。但是,整个过程可能需要长达 24 小 时。另一方面,伟哥可以在服用后长达四个小时内感觉到。 80% 尝试过 犀利士 的人 报告说有机会勃起。然而,与伟哥不同的是,西力士的效果持续了超过三十六小时。这段时间效果几乎一直持续。希爱力在体内的持续时间比伟哥长。伟哥需要四个小时才能使血液水平下降 50% ,而希 爱力则需要 17 小 时。这可能表明 25% 的原始 犀利士 剂量仍存在于体内。 总而言之, 犀利士 终于打破了关于伟哥 “ 牢不可破 ” 的神 话,在伟哥的已知好处上增加了更严厉的观点。它是一种比伟哥更优质的方法,这就是为什么它具有非凡的超越性。让我们都希望事情不要一直这样下去,而且会越来越好。

Cialis -Top Ten Questions And Answers

 Cialis -Top Ten Questions And Answers Suppose there are individuals who wish to use Cialis yet are not fairly certain of it as there is no source indicated to answer to their problems.Are you interested in this drug and also really wish to use it? Have a look at these: 1. What does Cialis deal with? Cialis is generally used to deal with the difficulties in having and also preserving an erection, run into by males, which likewise beares the name of impotence. 2. What does Cialis exactly? What Cialis does is producing some effects created by some materials in one's body, during the sex-related arousal. This has because of this a development of the blood circulation into one's penis. This is what an erection is: the increase of blood flow into the inner areas of the penis. 3. What is the difference in between Cialis and also other products used for dealing with the exact same troubles? The one distinction in between Cialis and a few other products authorized by ED is the fact tha...

Cialis in Comparison with Levitra and Viagra

 Sexual Dysfunction that is one subject most guys are uncomfortable with and wouldn't like confess. Erection problems are one of one of the most common dysfunction that plagues most males young or old alike. It can be temporary condition or a continuous one Sexual problem such as this is likewise known as impotence (ED) the failure to accomplish or maintain an erection to satisfy a woman throughout intercourse. Although, ED can not be consistent there are other variables which contributes to ED such as stress and anxiety, anger, clinical depression and exhaustion. If you have troubles in staying on top of an erection the majority of the moment, it can be thought about an issue and also it is among the source of low-self esteem in males and it impacts with their partnerships with their spouses or sweethearts. Most guys have difficulty managing it because of absence of appropriate information, ignorance or no partner support. The sources of having a sex-rel...